Wednesday, April 15, 2009

What To Do About Mike?

Well, my last post said I would be having surgery on the 14th, which was yesterday. Nope. I'm sitting at my desk at work instead. So what happened? It's a long story, but I'll try to make it short and sweet.

Before surgery you need a series of tests done to make sure your body can handle the surgery. The nurse jokingly said if there was something wrong we'll let you know. Well, later that day, the nurse called and said I should go to the ER. I didn't, but fortunately, I went to my regular doctor instead. Turns out my blood sugar levels were off the charts. Normal blood sugar is 70-150 and mine was 414. Due to those levels, the surgeon said my body is not stable enough to have surgery and canceled it.

I had more blood work done the next day to find out what else was wrong...Needless to say, I had 4 tests come back with levels that put me in the "alert" zone. Turns out I have Type 2 Diabetes. So, until I can get some weight off and get my levels more towards the normal range, surgery will have to wait.

When will these medical problems leave us alone? Who knows. This was supposed to be a medical free year, but oh well. We have faith and we know the Lord doesn't give us obstacles that we cannot handle. I just look at this neck injury as a blessing in disguise because who knows when I would have gone in to get a physical. I had been thinking of going in in the Summer to do it, but maybe I couldn't have waited that long. So we count our blessings that this was caught when it was and that we can fix it and live with it.


Sara said...

Good luck with everything. Dale and I hope your health improves!

simplyshye said...

it is truth !! blessings come in many different ways ... glad they figured it out before there was not chart . Ya - Ya - i'm sure debbie will get in check
(wink-wink) -- best of luck to you BOTH !