Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Medical Updates

Well, with all the sickness and injuries we've all experienced lately, we aren't really doing much except sitting at home watching the Olympics.

Debbie went back to the Dr and he said she's still not better. He wants her back on a liquid diet to help her bowel not work so hard. He's still keeping her on pain medications and anti-biotics. He's trying to prevent her from having her colon removed, so the more we can do prevent that the better her quality of life will be.

And just because we were all feeling sympathy pains, my Mom went into the Dr with the exact thing Debbie has (thankfully not as severe). Then Madyson and Mike both felt the sympathy pain and decided to get hangnails removed from their toe (the same toe on each of them).

So when you come to our house you see three bandaged feet (did I mention Deb tore the fascia off her heel in June and it still hasn't healed) and Deb just looking tired and weak. But we're pushing through it. We just see it as a test of our faith and we'll keep doing what we're doing. We continue to read scriputes every night and have family prayer both morning and night. We know that is the only way we can prove to the Lord that we're faithful no matter what.


Britney said...

wow I cant believe debbie has to go back on the liquid diet! Im sorry you just are not getting better. You are in our prayers Debbie.

And glad you got that nail removed. How funny that maddy had one too on the same toe! Now if Tom would only go and get his done haha. Thanks for the update.

laurakrummenacher said...

A hang nail Mike? I'm so sorry! How horrible. How did you manage? I hope Debbie is taking very good care of you! Hospital, shmospital, who cares! Mike has a hang nail!!!
Seriously I hope you are all doing better soon! Debbie, you are definitely in our prayers. Keep us posted! No more subs for you Deb until I get a note from your doctor.